Marilyn Jean (Wegert) (Swanson) Schanel

I recently had my Mother's DNA tested.  This allowed me to more-clearly seperate the sources of my genes and contribute another good source of proved ancestry paths.

One interesting revelation discovered from her results?  Mom has .7% East Asian and Native American ancestry.   And one more thing...she has MORE Neanderthal gene connections than I do...smiles.   

You See Jerry's DNA Test Results Here...

Got Neanderthal?

Neanderthal Ancestry
Mine Compared to My Mother's...

Jerry Dean Swanson, Son.

Marilyn Jean (Wegert) (Swanson) Schanel, Mother

Neanderthals were ancient humans who interbred with modern humans before becoming extinct 40,000 years ago. This report tells you how much of your ancestry can be traced back to Neanderthals.  

Over the past 150 years, scientists have found bones belonging to an extinctpopulation of ancient humans. These ancient humans are known as Neanderthals and were named after the site where their bones were first identified (Neander Valley, Germany).

Neanderthals and modern humans share a common ancestor as well as many morphological and social traits, but differed in key respects. Over the past decade, genome sequencing has shed more light on the Neanderthal and our complicated relationship with them.

Obviously, this PROVES all the brains came from MY side of the family tree...smiles.

Marilyn Jean (Wegert) (Swanson) Schanel DNA Estimate
Got Ethnicity?

DNA tells the story of who you are and how you're connected to populations around the world.  You may trace your heritage through the centuries and uncover clues about where your ancestors lived and when.

Ancestry Timeline

How many generations ago was the most recent ancestor for each population?

Marilyn Jean (Wegert) (Swanson) Schanel DNA Ethnicity Estimate

This is the description of my DNA results from  I also had my Mother tested.  The AncestryDNA test uses some of the latest autosomal testing technology as a more comprehensive way to find family across all lines in the family tree.  My test covers both sides...maternal and paternal.

The online Ancestry DNA application is still in Beta testing, so features may be added or modified in the near future.  This app displays all persons from our Family Tree who would have been a part of the time periods described.  It is possible to zoom-down to show individual birthplaces on the maps.  The following charts, images, and information concerning my DNA confirmed what we thought we knew about the Dockstader-Wegert Family Tree family migrations.  Having those connections confirmed by DNA is gratifying.

As you move through history in 25-50-year increments, you may visually plot the movements of our family.  On the year charts, the larger the dot, the more of our family came/went to that area.  In the application you may zoom in more, but I chose these levels for the screen-shots.  Can can literally follow-the-dotted-line to trace family movements.  Quite amazing!

As you move through history in 25-50-year increments, you may visually plot the movements of our family.  On the year charts, the larger the dot, the more of our family came/went to that area.  In the application you may zoom in more, but I chose these levels for the screen-shots.  Can can literally follow-the-dotted-line to trace family movements.  Quite amazing!

Marilyn Jean (Wegert) (Swanson) Schanel
Follow the Genes Through History

The larger the circle on the map, the more concentrated the genes.

My websites:
My Bottle Tree Business:
My Telescope Hobby Page:
  My Secret Garden Walk:
My Genealogy Page:
The Dockstader-Wegert Family Tree